The weather channel was showing 45deg when I started at 7:00 AM. The good-old-boys at my first THAW stop said it was more like 31 overnight. Overcast, cold and foggy, the first couple hours were pretty boring and chilling. Put my rain gear over the top layer and that helped kill the chill.
Once the sun came out things picked up and I laied down some good miles.
San Antonio was easy. Took a luch break about 1:15 and then headed into town... Houston was somewhere between Chicago's spaghetti bowl and the Phily cross-town... 10E is boldly displayed on the concrete so I managed to stay in the correct lane, but at 75 and bumper to bumper there wasn't a lot of opportunity to have options. That place must be a zoo during rush hour.
East of there things opened up and the traffic was light. I wanted to make it at least a three-tank day (360 miles) and I ended at 386iles in Orange TX. Non-descript little town but good for taking a quiet evening. 800+ to go to Cedar Key... Will book that into two days.
I get out there on the road with hours at a time to think... pondering stories of riding experiences and choices... theories about how to handle wind and situations... somehow I need a voice to text recorder that I can use while traveling... Sitting at the keyboard composing just isn't the same.
Today topic thoughts included:
Why I like traveling solo.
Fighting cross-wind... (staying in the bubble)
Why wasn't there any discussion about the future at the Airhead Rally?
How do you follow a chronic-passer biker? Or do you???